Quality Hearing Services Brought Right to Your Home
The best hearing healthcare – hearing services brought to you in the comfort of your own living environment. Finer Hearing uses state – of – the -art testing equipment and offers the latest in hearing technology.
Hearing Healthcare

Dr. Lisa American Health Front Video
An audiologist is a person qualified to provide professional assistance concerning communication problems associated with hearing loss. An audiologist has received extensive graduate level university education and training, and specializes in the prevention, identification, assessment and rehabilitation of hearing impairment. Their education and training includes courses in anatomy and physiology, acoustics, diagnostics, audiologic rehabilitation and hearing aids. Most audiologists have a Certificate of Clinical Competency in Audiology granted by the American Speech, Language and Hearing Association.
Almost every state requires a professional license to practice audiology. Before making an appointment for a hearing test, be sure to check the individual’s credentials–your hearing is important, and you deserve professional care!
We believe that hearing loss is a serious problem that deserves professional care.
A hearing loss makes it more difficult to meet new people, to enjoy social gatherings and to hear what’s funny in a joke. A hearing loss can act as a barrier between you and other people. Maybe that’s why Helen Keller said that her hearing loss was a greater problem than her blindness!
One of the hardest things about having a hearing loss is that other people just don’t understand. They can’t understand why sometimes you seem to hear fine and other times, not at all. But that’s the nature of hearing loss.
Also, there are many different types and degrees of hearing loss. One person might have a 95% hearing loss, while someone else has a “mild” loss. But even a mild loss can interfere at work or when you’re with a group of people.
Fortunately, there is a great deal of help available today, and between us we can accomplish a lot. We can’t cure hearing loss, but most people can do surprisingly well, even in spite of a very significant hearing loss! Our commitment is to work with you to help you reach your maximum hearing potential.
Many people believe that improving hearing in one ear will overcome all the problems of hearing loss. This simply is not true.
Wearing one hearing aid will improve your hearing, especially in a quiet environment. However, in order to obtain the best hearing, especially in noisy situations, hearing in both ears is required. Here are some other advantages:
- Balanced two-ear hearing provides you with “three dimensional” hearing and helps you to separate sounds in the environment. This is especially important in noisy situations.
- The brain requires information from both ears in order to locate a sound’s source. It is virtually impossible to tell the direction of a car horn or siren if your hearing is not balanced.
- Wearing two instruments reduces the fatigue and stress that can occur when you strain to hear with only one ear.
- If you use two hearing aids, you always have a “back-up” hearing aid when a repair is necessary.
If you wear only one hearing aid, call us to see how much you’ll benefit by wearing two.
One of the most common hearing difficulties is the problem of hearing in noisy restaurants.
Actually, people with perfectly normal hearing complain about the noise levels in restaurants all the time—it’s the third most common complaint a restaurant manager hears!
Here are some suggestions for making dining out more enjoyable:
Choosing the restaurant. Some restaurants are actually designed to be noisy. Either avoid these places or don’t expect to carry on a conversation! Other restaurants are designed to absorb sound, with widely spaced tables and with fabrics and furniture that absorb sound.
Choosing the size of your group. Dining with two or three other people is much easier than dining with a large group. If you’re with a larger group (more than four people), concentrate on the person next to you or directly across the table from you.
Ordering your meal. Try to order from the menu or ask to see a written list of any special dishes. It can be very difficult to understand when the waiter or waitress quickly presents a long list of specials.
Bon apetit!
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What Are People Saying
I appreciated the opportunity to test out the hearing aids before I made a purchase. It allowed me time to get use to the hearing aids and to work closely with Dr. Gumina to help pick the correct product for me.MARY ALisa was amazing and so so kind. She really knows about hearing and helped us so so much with everything. We have recommended her to many friends.
Franklin JorgensonWe were at out wit’s end as another service provider had let us down. Lisa stepped up like never before and everything was handled and taken care of in professional and timely manner. We trust her with whole heartedly with all our family and friends.
Janice Smoltz
Lisa was amazing and so so kind. She really knows about hearing and helped us so so much with everything. We have recommended her to many friends.
We were at out wit’s end as another service provider had let us down. Lisa stepped up like never before and everything was handled and taken care of in professional and timely manner. We trust her with whole heartedly with all our family and friends.